It has its capital city as Bujumbura, the local currency is known as the Burundi Franc and the local time is GMT+2. It has it country code as +257. The customs working hours include Monday through to Friday 0730-1130hours and 1400-1715hours.
Commercial consignments
• 3 Commercial Invoices legalized by Consulate.
• Import Licence except for commercial samples without value, goods not for sale with CIF value under BIF 50,000, baggage and personal effects of passengers.
• A.Y.-I Certificates for goods from EU-countries and subject to preferential duties.
Live animals; No veterinary inspection on arrival. Import permit from Minist`ere de la D`efense.
Plants and plant material; Seeds, tubers, onions: Phytosanitary Certificate stating that plants are free from insects and diseases which endanger plants. No Phytosanitary Certificate for flowers, vegetable seeds and cut flowers.
Arms, ammunition and explosives; Import permit from Minist`ere de la D`efense. Meat and meat products; of domestic animals in different forms (fresh, refrigerated, preserved, smoked, etc.)Except tinned meat less than 5kg; fish, fresh, refrigerated, salted, smoked, etc. molluscs and crawfish, poultry-yard birds, game: Importation subject to prior Import permit and sanitary permit and sanitary certificate delivery by veterinary at a point of origin and sanitary inspection on arrival.
Others:• Used clothes (on commercial basis): Certificate of Disinfection and Disinsectisation, the signature of which must be legalized. Sanitary Certificate specifying that during the last four months no epidemic of small pox, plague or typhus has occurred at point of origin. • Religious articles: Certificate from the religious order (shipper) of which the consignee is a member or a certificate from the religious order of which the consignee is a member if the shipper is not a party of this order.