
General information

It has Addis Ababa as the capital city, the local GMT+3, the country code as +251 and the local currency as the Ethiopian Birr. Customs hours include Monday through to Saturday 0600-2200hours.Sunday 0830-1230 hours.

Documentary Requirements

Commercial consignments
• Bank Permit.
• 3 commercial invoices (1 copy to be visaed by the Ethiopian Chamber of commerce),containing ,total price per unit, in currency of country of origin, detailed description of merchandise , marking on packages, gross and net weight ,the declaration; “we certify this invoice to be true and correct in accordance with our books”.
• 1 original Manufacturer’s invoice, when exporter is not the manufacture.


Live animals

Health certificate.

Permit from exchange controller.

Plant and plant material.

Health Certificate.

Permit from Exchange Controller and from Ministry of Agriculture.

Arms, ammunition and explosives

Permit from ministry of Public Security Dept.

Narcotics and drugs

Permit from ministry of Public Health

Human Remains

Doctor’s Certificate.


a .False and counterfeit money, foreign lottery tickets, edible coloring with a base of poisonous vegetable matter.

b. Importation of goods to Ethiopia on Franco valuta basis is prohibited.