
General information

Its capital is Kigali, its country code +250 and has its local time as GMT+2.The local time is Rwanda Franc (RWF).

Customs hours include Monday to Friday 0800hours to 1230hours and 1330 -1730 hours. Saturday and Sunday closed.

Documentary Requirements

• 4 commercial invoices, all originals (Photostat not allowed).

• Import Licence if value over USD 5,000.



*Charges collect not accepted except if intervention of a broker on AWB or if prior agreement given by the representative of carrying airline.

Live Animals

Health certificate and /or combined with rabies Inoculation Certificate legalized by veterinary service in country of origin ,issued at least one month but not more than 12 months (six for cats) before transportation.

Plants and plant material

Phytosanitary Certificate.

Arms, ammunition and explosives.

Sporting arms and ammunition: prior Import permit from Minadeff and/or O.R.T.P.N.

Human Remains.

Death certificate stating cause of death.


• Arms and ammunition.

• Narcotics, drugs without temporary Import Licence/permit.

• Explosives

• Pornographic magazines and materials.