
General information

Capital: Nairobi

Country code: +254


Tel: +254-741267055

Local time: GMT+3

Local currency: Kenyan Shilling (KSH).

Customs working hours: Monday - Friday, 0830hrs - 1230hrs and 1430hrs - 1630hrs

Documentary Requirements

Commercial Consignments. 

3 commercial invoices or –preferably- customs invoices 3 customs Invoices (Combined certificate of Value and invoice of goods).The commercial invoices must contain: exact description of goods, gross and net weight, and quantity, total CIO (Cost Insurance and Other charge) and unit value, country of origin ,any discounts, freight charges, insurance premium, kind of packing, means of transport.

Certificate of Origin 

AY-1 Certificate for goods from EU-Countries.

Import Declaration Forms (IDF) are issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority Customs and Excise Department. For details visit 

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) is responsible for all quality inspection and certification of compliance for all import shipments into Kenya


Live Animals

Prior Import permit required; Health Certificate required not older than 10 days before date of dispatch. Prior advice to veterinary Dept., Nairobi, for any inspect on arrival. Import permits for dogs and cats obtainable from Kenya Embassies and missions.

Dogs: Additional Rabies Inoculation Certificate approved by W.H.O.

Cattle: Health certificates must state that animals are from an area free of infectious or contagious diseases, and have passed a Tuberculin Test within 20 days before shipping.

Birds and fish, live and their eggs: Import permit is issued by Director of Veterinary Services.

All animals attract customs charges of 25% duty on Local Value o Declared Value of Carriage.

Plant and plant material

Health Certificate and official Phytosanitary Certificate issued immediately prior to shipping .Prior Import License from KEPHIS (Ministry of Agriculture) Nairobi. Inspection on arrival.

Arms, Ammunition and Explosives.

Only sporting Arms allowed. Import license is required.

Narcotics and drugs;

Importation for medical or scientific purposes only. Import License Required.

Human remains

Death certificate stating cause of death. When cremated: Additional Certificate of Cremation is required.


Animal products

Eggs of birds and fish: import permit issued by the director of veterinary Services.


Radio active materials: Letter of no objection by the ministry required; 48 hours before departure of nominated flight a telex should be sent to importation authority stating reference and nominated flight.

Others like Brandy

Brandy: Certificate that it is suitable for human consumption is required.



Counterfeit money; Indecent prints or article or articles; opium; cocaine.